CES Citrus Fundraiser

FRIENDS of COALHURST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Society is pleased to offer our FIRST annual Citrus fundraiser.
Pink Grapefruit are a sweet, juicy fruit ripened on the tree with a great source of Vitamin A, & C. They are wonderfully tart with a strong dose of sweet. (Approx. 20 per case)
Navel oranges are a sweet, seedless fruit ripened on the tree with a great source of Vitamin A, C, dietary fibre, thiamine, potassium and calcium.
The cost to citrus by the case is so much more economical than buying individual citrus.
Grapefruits & Oranges are set to arrive mid March, actual delivery date TBD based on sales volume. All items are the responsibility of the seller/buyer to pick-up.
We encourage our school community to inform their family and friends of this fundraising opportunity. Proceeds will go to THE FRIENDS OF CES SOCIETY to help fund field trips and items for our students.
Follow this link to place your order
Ordering deadline is Friday, February 16 @ 11:45 PM.
Cash or cheques (Made out to Coalhurst Elementary School) can be brought the CES office.