CES Citrus Fundraiser
Posted on: Mar 2 2025Citrus orders will be available for PICK-Up on Thursday, March 6th from 9:00-4:00 PM
CES will be hosting Grade 1-6 student led conferences on Wednesday, March 12th from 4:00 -7:00 PM. This is your child's chance to share what they have been working on with you in their classrooms. We…
We will be running our annual book fair in the CES Library March 10-13th. We appreciate your support of our fair, as it benefits our library & school. Hours: Monday, March 10 - 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Tuesday,…
Have your children outgrown their books? Would you like those books to be useful to other students? And would you like to enhance your own child’s libraries without any cost?Please send your family’s…
Outdoor Soccer season April - June Children born between 2007-2019 are eligible to register Follow this link to register $65-$75 per player Registration Closes February 28, 2025
Thank you to all the families who came out and participated in Family Literacy Night. A special thank you to the Town of Coalhurst for their grant allowing PAL to give hot chocolate and cookies to all…
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open for NEW to CES students. Follow this link to register. Choose PN for our Early Learning Program grade. The date of registration should be 09/03/2025…
CES Mini Basketball has started again Practice Nights Jan 13, 20, 27, Feb 3 Mondays 6 PM Team A - Raptors - Coaches Erin M & Jonathan B 7 PM Team B - Crushers - Coaches Doug…
Hello CES Parents and Guardians,CES & PAL will be hosting a Family Literacy Night on January 27th from 6-7 PM.Please register by January 20th if you are planning on attending so we have enough cookies…
Help our CES grade 6 leadership committee purchase toys for the "Angel Tree" Program. For every $1.00 donation, students will get 1 entry into the gift basket draw of their choice. Please…
CES will once again be collecting new socks for charity this cold winter season. You can send your donations to the office and Mr. McIntyre will be stringing them up in the atrium for some winter cheer.…
Lifetouch Retake day is Thursday, November 14th in the morning only.
CES will be holding our annual Remembrance Day assembly on Thursday, November 7th @ 10:30 AM. Parent and community members are welcome to attend, there will be limited seating. Both our Grade 1-6…
1. Sign up as a seller 2. Share the fundraiser with friends and family and on social media. 3. Start taking orders! Share your seller link so people can order online or collect orders and submit them…
Kindergarten Supplies 2024 - 2025 Your child will need these things for kindergarten: 1 backpack 1 small reusable water bottle 1 pair of running shoes that will stay at school A full change of clothing…
Dear Parents/Guardians:Your teachers at CES are excited to offer the opportunity to purchase your school supplies through School Start for the 2024-2025 school year. This process will save you both…
Throughout July and August this year, FCSS and Family Ties Lethbridge will be hosting a series of youth summer camps in Coalhurst. They’ll take place at the Community Centre, with a variety of indoor…
Your parent council is once again selling bacon as a fundraiser for the students of CES You can place orders by following this link Bacon comes in 11lb boxes of fresh-cut bacon, ready to be repacked…
The CES book fair will return! Hours: Monday March 11 - 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM Tuesday March 12 - 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Wednesday, March 13 - 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM & 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Thursday,…
Re: Shift to Peanut-Free Environment at Coalhurst Elementary School To ensure the safety of all students, we will begin the process of implementing the peanut banimmediately. While we cannot guarantee…
FRIENDS of COALHURST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Society is pleased to offer our FIRST annual Citrus fundraiser. Pink Grapefruit are a sweet, juicy fruit ripened on the tree with a great source of Vitamin A,…
We are very excited for our upcoming Trickster production! Our dedicated students have poured their hearts and souls into preparing for this event, and we are eager to share their talent and hard work…
Please follow the link, CKSA-Registration-2024 to register your child/children forthe 2024 CKSA soccer season.If you have a question, please email cksasoccer@gmail.comNO REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED…
Winter has arrived in Alberta Follow this link for some tips on how to dress for the frigid weather.
Grade 4-6 Mini Basketball has started up again at CES. Practice nights are Monday & Wednesdays Wednesdays Jan 10, 17, 24, 31 6PM - Clippers 7PM - Warriors Mondays Jan 15, 22, 29, Feb 12 6PM Heat…
The Coalhurst volunteer fire department is hosting an open house and wish to invite all Coalhurst Families to attend. There will be crafts, games, fire hall tours, a chance to meet your local Firefighters,…
Last Day for Students : Thursday, December 21, 2023 First Day Back : Monday, January 8, 2024 Enjoy your break and we will see you in 2024!
CES will be hosting our Grade 1-6 Concerts starting at 6:30 PM December 19 & 20th. Tuesday December 19th we invite all families with last names from A to J to the evening performance. Wednesday…
Please join us for an informational evening with Paul Davis Tuesday, November 28 @ 7:00PM @ CES Child care will be available.
Kindergarten Registration: Kindergarten (ECS) registration is being taken online through the CES website for the 2023-2024 school year. Children who are 5 years of age or who will be 5 years of age…
Check out the linked document on how to read with your children at home.
Follow the link to see our 2024-2025 school supply lists. We have once again partnered with School Start for your convenience if you choose.
Create an account, then register your NEW to CES students. Choose the 25-26 School Year Do not use this portal for returning registration!
Pay For school Fees Purchase Hot Lunches