Mini Basketball

Grade 4-6 Mini Basketball has started up again at CES.
Practice nights are Monday & Wednesdays
Wednesdays Jan 10, 17, 24, 31
6PM - Clippers
7PM - Warriors
Mondays Jan 15, 22, 29, Feb 12
6PM Heat
7PM Bulls
Game Nights:
February 14 - 5:30 Heat vs Bulls 6:45 Clippers vs Warriors
February 26 - 5:30 Bulls vs Warriors 6:45 Clippers vs Heat
February 28 - 5:30 Warriors vs Heat 6:45 Bulls vs Clippers
Friday, March 1 games start @ 1:00 PM
Parent Volunteers need to help with the tournament concession, please contact Miss Vos in the office for information.